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What Is The Best JavaScript Framework For Mobile Apps?

June 7, 2022 502 Views

With the staggering increase in mobile phone users comes the need for developing high quality mobile apps. Mobile apps now also play an important and vital role for all businesses, whether small or large. Keeping the importance of mobile apps in view, a reliable and robust JavaScript framework for mobile apps is of utmost importance. When you start exploring the market, you’ll find many JavaScript libraries out there. To help you select the right JavaScript framework for developing web and mobile apps, we have compiled a comprehensive guide. Continue reading to discover why you should opt for Ext JS, the best JavaScript framework for mobile apps.

What are Some Features of Ext JS, The Best JavaScript Framework for Mobile Apps?

Ext JS, the best Javascript framework for mobile apps

Ext JS is the best and the most comprehensive JavaScript framework for web and mobile apps. Sencha offers Ext JS with 140+ pre-tested and high-performing UI components to help developers with JavaScript app development. HTML5 calendar, grids, pivot grid, D3 adapter, trees, lists, forms, menus, toolbars, panels, windows, etc. You can easily integrate these components into your app while having the confidence that you don’t have to spend your time building and testing these professionally built components. These UI components and Ext JS JavaScript developer tools accelerate app development and reduce your time to market.

Where is Sencha Touch?

If you have been developing apps for mobile phones and other touch screen devices with Sencha Touch in the past, then you’ll be pleased to know that Sencha Touch has been merged with Ext JS. This is great news for all mobile app developers as now they have the best JavaScript framework for building data-intensive, cross platform web and mobile apps. You’ll be able to utilize all the awesome features provided by Ext JS to build your mobile apps and software for other touchscreen devices.

Are There JavaScript Tools for Designing My Mobile App?

Indeed yes! Sencha brings you state-of-the-art tools for designing, customizing, and building an app with JavaScript. There are pre-integrated tools like Sencha Themer and Stencils to support the entire design process. Sencha Themer allows you to style and create custom themes using graphical tools without writing a single line of code. You can also generate theme packages using dynamic stylesheets.

Additionally, Sencha Themer includes a smart color palette that helps you apply different color schemes to different component states. There is also a palette that enables you to choose different colors from Material Design. To help you with font selection, Sencha Themer includes a font management option. With this feature, you can easily add web fonts from Google fonts.

Does the Ext JS JavaScript Framework for Mobile Apps Support JavaScript Testing Tools?

Again yes! At Sencha, quality is one of our top-most priorities. Hence, Sencha’s complete JavaScript mobile app framework also supports testing your apps for quality assurance. You can use Sencha Test to create unit and end-to-end tests quickly and easily. The best part is that you can execute these tests on multiple browsers simultaneously to ensure that your app runs seamlessly on all types of browsers.

What is the Layout Manager in Ext JS, the Best JavaScript Framework for Mobile Apps?

When developing apps for mobile devices, adjusting the user interface to render properly on small screens can turn out to be a nightmare for developers. This is no longer true if you are using the Ext JS platform. Ext JS comes with a smart and flexible layout manager. This tool enables you to organize and display all your contents and data according to the screen size, device, and browser. Even if you have a very complex user interface, the layout manager helps you control and customize the display of components. You can use the responsive config system for various mobile devices, tablets, and other edge devices. Various components can adapt themselves according to the specific device screen or browser window through this system.

Does Ext JS Follow the ADA Standards for Accessible Design?

At Sencha, we strongly advocate accessibility for all. Catering to the needs of all types of users is also one of our top-most priorities. Ext JS contains features that comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design. The Ext JS ARIA package allows to provide accessibility support to your apps by giving you the tools you need to meet the requirements laid out by Section 508. You can create and develop mobile and web apps with the ARIA package that can be used by people who use assistive technologies. As an example, you can easily include screen readers to navigate the web or make your interface entirely accessible through a keyboard without a mouse.

Can I Build a Data-Intensive App with Ext JS, the Best JavaScript Framework for Mobile Apps?

By Utilizing Ext JS Grid, You Can Create Beautiful Charts. Here Is An Example

Sencha brings to you not only the best JavaScript tools for app development but also the fastest Javascript data grid. You can now build data-intensive apps capable of handling millions of data records. Moreover, the HTML5 data grid provided by Sencha is 100% customizable. You can easily integrate UI components to the grid and add data visualizations, such as line graphs, bar charts, etc. Sencha’s data grid in Javascript also includes export data capabilities, allowing your users to export data in various formats such as .csv, .tsv, .html, .pdf, and more.

How do I Sign Up for Ext JS?

Ext JS is the best JavaScript framework for mobile app development. It includes some fantastic tools such as lifecycle management, unit and end-to-end testing, automatic code generation options, designing and customizing the user interface, optimizing apps, and much more. With Sencha, you get the best development experience, whether you are a JavaScript developer or prefer React or Angular. It is straightforward to learn, even if you are a novice developer.

So what are you waiting for? Join the Sencha family today and get started with creating an awesome and stunning app. Sign up for Ext JS and make the most of your coding experience!