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Grids Web Design | A Comprehensive Guide To Sencha GRUI In 2024

December 23, 2022 1137 Views

The developer community has been arguing about the grids web design for a long time. There are questions like why there is a need to use grid web design, how to use it, and which one to choose. Multiple tools can help us achieve it in web application development. To answer all these questions, this comprehensive guide explains everything.

We must know the fact that a well-designed user interface is essential for a successful web design. But Designers complain about issues in their user interface for web application development. Little do they know that applying a grid system can do wonders for their UI. As the importance of the web grid system is clear, let’s dig into this amazing concept.

how many columns in an asymmetrical column grid or asymmetric column grid, layout grid

What Is The Website Grid?

First of all, we must be very clear about the concept of grids. A grid system is something that is comprised of vertical or intersecting lines. It divides our web page into modules or columns. But what is the concept of grid systems in the web development workflow? Well, different types of grids impact web design.

We need a website grid system to order the content on our website. Moreover, we can organize the page layout and create alignment. In other words, we can say that a website grid acts like a skeleton of our user interface. Or we can also say that it helps us form our website’s basic structure. We use website grid systems to enhance the user experience.

When we explore the website grid, we also look for its different types. It helps us choose the right web grid system with four user interfaces. When breaking down the web designing process, we realize that our web is made of rectangles or squares. No matter the website elements’ shape, they are placed in grid layouts.

It is important to note that the grid columns’ lines are not visible. But these are visible in some cases.

future web design projects for streamline web development workflow

What Is The Role Of Sencha GRUI For Grids Web Design?

Sencha grids are also used in different web designs. These grids help guide the designers to place elements on the page layouts and arrange them. Designers achieve a well-arranged user interface using the Sencha grids. The rules combine spacing, columns, and margins to create a unified and comprehensive foundation for the web page.

Role Of Sencha GRUI For Grids Web Design


When looking for the fastest javascript grid, Sencha always comes first. We can use its 140+ user interface components. This is how we can build stunning apps.

Sencha baseline grid example, negative space for asymmetrical column grids

Here we can also see add-ons and decorations of Sencha grids.

Sencha modular grids, column grids, with multiple columns

While here are the core features of the Sencha grid structure.

Sencha responsive grids column width or number of columns in grid.

What Justifies The Use Of Grids In Web Design?

By using grids, we can align the page items or elements easily. We do it all based on sequential rows and columns. The aim is to achieve a well-structured framework. Then, we can arrange different graphics, texts, and other design elements. All of it is arranged within the page in a consistent and logical fashion.

What Are Types Of Grids?

We must know that there exist different categories of grids. We may have come across some of these while designing our webs. But it is important to know that some web grids are better than others. So how do we know which design is better than the others? Well, let’s explore various types of grids.

Baseline Grid

It is interesting to note that the position of the text defines a baseline grid. Besides, we can say that it is more like a technical grid. It is the spacing or leading between the baselines. Using the baseline grid, we can create a good experience for our readers. So, choosing a baseline grid is a wise decision when there is a lot of text to read.

A baseline grid may look perfect for book prints, but it is equally important for web designs.

Manuscript Grid 

This type of grid is a foundation for all magazines, newspapers, and books. It is one of the simplest grid structures known as a single-column grid. The manuscript grid is the right choice when there are large and continuous blocks of images and texts.

Column Grid

This grid helps us to break up illustrations, photos, and texts. We can span the width of a landing page using 2-12 or even 16 columns. We can place our images and texts within one column or span across multiple columns. The same between these columns is also known as gutters. The gutter width should be the same for each column.

Modular Grid

We can say that these grids are more like column grids. But there is one difference, and that is the addition of rows. Different newspapers and magazines use these grids, but we can also use them in web designing. One modular grid example is the landing page design of youtube.

Hierarchical Grid

Hierarchical grids are the most commonly used grids in web design. The elements are arranged according to the order of importance in hierarchical grid lines. These grids are more flexible than other grid types. But they also use modules, rows, and columns. It helps them to organize the elements in a much better way.

Media-related sites tend to use this type of grid. One such example is The New York Times.

layout grids

What Are The Rules Or Tips For Creating Web Design Grids With Sencha?

Here are some rules or tips for using Sencha Grid.

Know Your Grid Anatomy

Experts suggest thinking about the grid properly before you implement it. In most cases, developers make the mistake of designing all the content first. And then forcing it to fit into the grid. This approach should be avoided at all costs.

Choose The Right Grid Layout

Choosing the right grid layout proves to be the right guide. We must know that there are different subtypes of grids. Therefore, we have to choose the one that fulfills our requirements.

Honor Responsive Design

We must know that the content and layout of our page fit perfectly for any device. But it is possible only when we design a responsive grid system.

 not all column grids print design in 12 column grid

Don’t Be Intimidated By Whitespace

White space allows users to breathe and pause when they want a break from scrolling. Therefore, we don’t need to fill each and every space. Moreover, we have to leave some white space between the columns.

Respect The Golden Ratio

The golden ratio helps us to divide the horizontal space on our web page. It helps us to decide the space allocation for each element.

Follow The Rule Of Thirds

Rule of third refers to image placement and producing visually harmonious grid layouts. We design the space into thirds by using this method.

What Are Top Grid Web Design Libraries?

Here are some grid web design libraries with amazing features:

Grids Web Design: Sencha GRUI

  • Managers huge data
  • Controls customization
  • Integration of UI components
  • Supports data export for CSV, HTML, TSV, XLS, and PDF.
  • Infinite scrolling, grouping, and filtering.

Sencha columns width fixed grid



  • JavaScript-based library
  • Quickly and efficiently creates grids
  • Compatible with Angular, Vue, and React.
  • Data sorting
  • Data validation
  • Binding
  • Conditional formatting

React Grid Layout

  • Allows to enter breakpoints
  • Responsive layout
  • Auto-packing
  • Draggable and resizable widgets
  • Static widgets
  • Fluid layouts
  • Compatibility with server-rendered apps


  • Opensource JavaScript grid
  • Lightweight
  • Modular
  • Easily expandable
  • Wide range of themes
  • Resizable columns
  • Column reordering

Grids Web Design: Optimize Your Website With Sencha GRUI 

Grids matter for the well-structured design process of your website. But choosing the right grid can be a challenge. We should think about the grid before designing any other website component. Apart from that, we must follow all the tips listed above. It can help us to achieve the right structure for our user interface.

Grids Web Design: FAQs

What Are Grids in Web Design?

Grids refer to a skeleton for designing our user interface.

Which Grid to Use for Web Design?

A hierarchical grid is the most commonly preferred grid by web designers.

What Is Grid System in UX Design?

We can arrange information and build designs using a grid system in UX design.

What Is the Function of Grids?

Grids function to organize our content on the web page.

Sign Up for free now to use the fast JavaScript library to build your grid.

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