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Be at JavaScript’s Forefront: A Great Time to Be an Ext JS developer

September 20, 2017 161 Views

Ext JS is one of the most competent frameworks that JavaScript developers will encounter today. It is a product by Sencha, a seasoned company that powers enterprise-related web application developments. I’ve worked with many toolchains and developer solutions, but I could say Ext JS’s scalability is second to none. 

For that, we are definitely glad to add Sencha to the IDERA family. 

How Confident is Idera of Sencha’s Offers?

When it comes to providing a web development framework to support Javascript, Sencha’s Ext JS possesses quality and scalability that similar solutions providers have yet to match.

The IDERA team took time to learn about Sencha’s business and products, as well as speak with its developers, customers, and global resellers. Two conversations stand out: One is the passionate community of developers and customers devoted to the products. Another is the amazing applications built via Ext JS – used by hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

This discovery stage led to further optimism on Sencha’s future capabilities. I am personally excited about the opportunity to build on the success of the Ext JS family of products.

Do Standards Align for the Two Companies?

IDERA Inc.’s drive towards success is anchored in the search for exceptional products. CEO Randy Jacops emphasizes this as the most important aspect in growing the company. The team adheres to the simple philosophy of striving for these important criteria of quality – ease of use and scalability of the products. From here arises the deep belief that the same approach will also benefit Sencha’s customers. Conversations between the two have so far confirmed this.

Sencha is an almost perfect extension of Embarcadero’s solutions. The joining company intends to reinforce IDERA’s Development Tools business (i.e. Embarcadero). This milestone enables IDERA to extend language coverage to the JavaScript (JS) community, which is not only large, but also growing fast. 

Ext JS is an excellent Web Framework that the Embarcadero developer community (currently primarily focused on Delphi and C++) can adopt. Embarcadero advocates open architectures and continues to provide developers the flexibility to decide how to best build applications.

With Ext JS, What’s in Store for the Future?

Ext JS will continue as a distinct product line but is now supported with greater resources. With the ongoing efforts, a great opportunity lies to reignite the Ext JS community. This means getting more developers to appreciate its power and productivity. Whereas Sencha is currently enterprise-focused, IDERA itself has enterprise customers who like to choose from various tools that complement businesses’ priorities and standards. 

2017 has been great for advancing Sencha products. Ext JS 6.5 was a solid release that continues to modernize the platform while improving quality. Past product releases may have included platform changes that complicated migrations; however, the path forward will build on the success of 6.5. Everyone’s goal is to simplify future migrations. Version 7 and beyond will modernize in parallel with JS advances, yet compatibility and ease of migration will be central to future releases’ strategy. These qualities are seen to be most important for customers and so the team will prioritize accordingly.

Sencha’s progress with ExtReact and Sencha Test products is also commendable. It is hoped for products like these to open IDERA’s technology to new JS markets and deliver much needed testing functionality to existing customers.

What Does this Beginning Mean for Developers?

Potential Ext JS developers should pay attention. They will gain a great advantage over others in the field just by mastering the Ext JS framework. To keep updated, everybody can subscribe to this website and participate on the Sencha forum. You may also contact Atanas directly at [email protected].

Followers are also encouraged to interact with the companies – send feedback and suggestions regarding the products. Your feedback regarding priorities and progress will be critical to IDERA’s investment decisions. 

There is a lot to learn and a lot to do but we are confident both Sencha’s products and customers will thrive with IDERA. We know how busy developers are, but we truly value your opinions, so do not hesitate to contact us and tell us how we can do better. It is a great time to be an Ext JS developer. Thank you for being part of our community!