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Building a Fully Functional and Interactive Menu with Ext JS – Webinar Q&A Recap

September 10, 2020 265 Views

I wanted to thank everyone that attended the recent webinar that I presented – Building a Fully Functional and Interactive Menu with Ext JS.  

There were a good set of questions from the webinar, and I want to answer those questions here in this blog.

Question 1

Hi, How easy is it to migrate an ExtJS 6.x application to ExtJS 7.2.0 or the current latest version?

Migrating to Ext JS 6.x to 7.x is very straightforward, and Sencha has a tool called the Upgrade Advisor to help you in this process.

Download the Upgrade Advisor from this link:

Question 2

“Thankyou… for the answer of videos… however I cannot find the link you mentioned. Where can I find those?

Sencha just introduced a cool new Resource Center!

Check out all the details at:

Question 3

Can you build a proper full scale responsive website where you have front-end as Ext JS and with different backend servers and databases?

Yes you can!  Ext JS will access any back end server with standard access methods like REST or AJAX api’s.  Those API’s will, in turn, access the database you are using.

Here is an example from the documentation using AJAX to access a server:

Question 4

Is there a way to use classic toolkit components in modern toolkit like ‘triggerFields’ ?

No, unfortunately you cannot use classic toolkit components in a modern toolkit app, or visa versa.

Question 5

I have just started with ExtJS can you please conduct a section for basics of Ext JS from scratch

Can you provide proper tutorial videos apart from Webinars so anyone can learn from ground up?

Would love to!  We have already discussed it, and we will be doing webinar/tutorial sessions called ExtJS from Scratch, parts 1 and 2 – look for those before Christmas!

Question 6

In case of a dynamic tree menu what should be the type of store? is it static or may be built from remote DB ?

Treeviews in Ext JS utilize a special tree store class, check it out in the documentation:


That wraps up our recap for the questions asked during the event—thank you again for the great questions, and if you have more, feel free to email me at [email protected]