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JS Frameworks’ Shorthand Syntax for Developers

March 7, 2024 1408 Views

JavaScript's Shorthand Syntax for Developers

Looking to make your JS frameworks code simpler and easier to read? JavaScript’s shorthand syntax can help. This blog explores the basics and advanced uses of shorthand in JavaScript framework. We’ll explain shorthand syntax and how it simplifies coding. In a JavaScript framework, we’ll cover decimal base exponents, arrow functions shorthand, implicit return shorthand, and default parameter values.

Additionally, we’ll discuss destructuring assignment shorthand, multi-line string shorthand, and the basics of the spread operator shorthand. We’ll also talk about using shorter ways to write necessary parameters and give examples to make it easier to understand. Let’s get started.

JS Frameworks' Shorthand Syntax for Developers

What Are the Basics of Shorthand Syntax?

Shorthand syntax in JavaScript helps us write code more simply and with fewer words.

  • Shorthand syntax in JavaScript makes your code easier to understand and maintain.
  • It’s like using shortcuts that everyone can easily follow.

Some common shorthand techniques in JavaScript include:

  • Ternary operator
  • Short-circuit evaluation
  • Object property shorthand.

Let’s explore them.

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What Is the Ternary Operator?

The ternary operator in JavaScript helps developers write a simple conditional statement in a compact form.

It’s called “ternary” because it involves three parts:

  1. A condition
  2. A value if the condition is true
  3. A value if the condition is false.

Here’s how it looks: `condition ? valueIfTrue : valueIfFalse`.

const isReady = true;

const message = isReady ? 'User is ready' : 'User is not ready';


In this situation, when `isReady` is `true`, the message will say ‘User is ready’.

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What Is Short-Circuit Evaluation Shorthand?

Short-circuit evaluation shorthand handles conditions in JavaScript. In JavaScript, when you use `&&` (AND) and `||` (OR) operators, the first condition is checked first. If the result can be determined from the first condition, the second one is not checked.

For example, in `a && b()`, if `a` is false, JavaScript knows the whole thing will be false, so it doesn’t run `b()`. Similarly, in `a || b()`, if `a` is true, JavaScript knows the whole thing will be true, so it doesn’t bother with `b()`.

What Is Declaring Variables Shorthand?

When you declare variables using shorthand, you can set values for many variables at once. Instead of writing one line for each variable, you can use commas to set them all together in one line.

For example, instead of:

let a = 1;

let b = 2;

let c = 3;

You can write:

let a = 1, b = 2, c = 3;

What Is an Object Property Shorthand?

Object property shorthand in JavaScript lets you create objects with coding. For example, instead of:

let name = 'John';

let age = 30;

let person = {

  name: name,

  age: age


You can write:

let name = 'John';

let age = 30;

let person = {




It simplifies object creation, especially when you have many properties.

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What Is JavaScript for Loop Shorthand?

For loop shorthand is also called “for…of” loop. It is a simpler way to go through items in an array or other iterable objects.

You directly work with the values instead of using a “for” loop with a counter.

For example, instead of:

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {



You can use the “for…of” loop:

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

for (let number of numbers) {



How Do We Conduct Short-Circuit Evaluation?

Short-circuit evaluation in JavaScript means the second part of an expression is only checked if the first part doesn’t give a clear answer.

  • For “&&” (AND), if the first part is false, the whole expression is false. JavaScript then stops and doesn’t check the second part.
  • For “||” (OR), if the first part is true, the whole expression is true. JavaScript stops and doesn’t check the second part.

This helps make code faster and avoids unnecessary work.

What Are the Decimal Base Exponents?

Decimal base exponents are written using the `e` notation. For example, `3e5` is equivalent to `3 x 10^5`, and `4.5e-4` is equivalent to `4.5 x 10^-4`.

It helps us show big or small numbers in a shorter way. It’s useful for math or science when dealing with really big or really small numbers.

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What Are the Arrow Functions Shorthand?

Arrow function shorthand is a shorter way to write functions. Instead of using the `function` keyword, you use an arrow (`=>`) after the parameters.

Here is a normal function:

function add(a, b) {

  return a + b;


Here is the code example of arrow function shorthand:

const add = (a, b) => a + b;

What Is Implicit Return Shorthand?

Implicit return shorthand in JavaScript means you can write short functions that automatically return a value without using the `return` keyword.

For example, a function to double a number looks like this with a normal return:

function double(x) {

  return x * 2;


With implicit return shorthand, you can write the same function like this:

const double = x => x * 2;

What Are Default Parameter Values?

Default parameter values are like backup values for a function. They kick in when you forget to give the function the necessary information. This way, the function won’t get confused and can still do its job.

For example, consider a function that greets a user:

function greet(name = 'Guest') {

  console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);


If you don’t give a name to `greet()`, it will say “Hello, Guest!” because ‘Guest’ is the default name.

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What Is Destructuring Assignment Shorthand?

It lets you easily unpack values from arrays or objects’ properties into separate variables. For example, normally, you’d assign array values to variables like this:

const array = [1, 2];

const a = array[0];

const b = array[1];

Here is how to do it:

const [ a, b ] = [1, 2];

What Is A Multi-Line String Shorthand?

Multi-line string shorthand writes strings that span multiple lines more easily. You can use backticks (`) to make a multi-line string instead of using the newline character (\n). For example:

const multiLineString = "This is a\nmulti-line\nstring.";

With multi-line string shorthand, you can write it like this:

const multiLineString = `

  Here is the 




It helps us make writing and reading multi-line strings in JavaScript simpler, especially when the string contains a lot of line breaks.

What Are the Basics of Spread Operator Shorthand?

The spread operator helps us work with arrays and objects. It’s represented by three dots (`…`) and can do a few things:

1. Copying Arrays

    const arr1 = [1, 2, 3];

    const arr2 = [...arr1];

2. Combining Arrays

    const arr1 = [1, 2, 3];

    const arr2 = [4, 5, 6];

    const combinedArr = [...arr1, ...arr2];

3. Passing Array as Arguments

    const nums = [1, 2, 3];

    function sum(a, b, c) {

      return a + b + c;


    const result = sum(...nums);

The spread operator is a versatile and handy tool for working with arrays and objects in JavaScript.

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What Is Mandatory Parameter Shorthand?

The mandatory parameter shorthand makes sure a function is always used with specific parameters. By setting a default value for a parameter that must be provided, you force the caller to give a value for that parameter. This prevents mistakes and makes sure the function behaves as expected.

Here’s an example of how mandatory parameter shorthand works in JavaScript:

function greet(name = 'Guest') {

  console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);


greet(); // Outputs: Hello, Guest!

greet('John'); // Outputs: Hello, John!

In this example, if you don’t give a value for `name` when you use the function, it will automatically use `’Guest’` as the name.

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Shorthand syntax in JavaScript offers concise and readable ways to write code. Arrow functions and default parameter values make your JavaScript code clearer and more efficient. Using these shortcuts can greatly improve how easy it is to read and maintain your code.

JS Frameworks: FAQs

Does using shorthand syntax in JS frameworks affect performance?

The shorthand syntax has nothing to do with performance of your code. It just saves your time by giving the short ways to write the code.

What are some best practices for incorporating shorthand syntax into

JS frameworks code?

Incorporate shorthand syntax judiciously, ensuring it enhances readability and maintains code clarity.

What are some common examples of shorthand techniques in JS frameworks?

  • Arrow functions
  • Object property shorthand
  • Destructuring assignments

Is React a JS framework?

Yes. React is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.

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