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6 Ways to Accelerate Web Application Development With Ext JS: A Comprehensive Guide

June 30, 2023 490 Views

Are you tired of the time-consuming challenges that come with web application development? Do you find yourself struggling to meet deadlines and deliver high-quality applications to your clients? If so, you’re not alone. The world of web development can be a complex realm. However, there is a solution that can help you mitigate these difficulties and accelerate your web development process. Moreover, discover EXT JS, a friendly and efficient JavaScript framework for web application development. This comprehensive guide explores how Ext JS enhances productivity and simplifies your codebase.

What is the Difference Between Web Applications and Websites?

Websites and web applications have distinct differences. A website consists of static web pages with limited opportunities for modifications. In contrast, web apps provide interactive features that allow users to communicate with them. Developers build web apps on flexible platforms that enable the utilization of user data to drive continuous improvements.

What is Web Application Development?

Web app development is the process of creating and maintaining applications that you can access through web browsers. To excel in web app development, we need expertise in skills such as frontend coding, GIT, responsive design, backend web programming, SEO, UI-UX, program frameworks, testing, debugging, problem-solving, and content management systems. In addition, it requires a combination of technical skills, creativity, and attention to detail.

What is web application development

What are the Skills Needed for Web App Development?

As the web development industry is now a vast field, you need many different skills to be a successful web developer. Some of the most important skills such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, back-end programming languages, databases, version control, and web development framework.

What are the Skills Needed for Web Application Development?


Front-end coding

Front-end coding is the process of creating visual elements of a web application. This process usually includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. First, we use HTML to structure the content of a web page, and then we use CSS to style the content, and JavaScript to add interactivity to web pages.


Git is a version control system that allows you to track changes to your code. Furthermore, this allows you to move back to previous code versions if you make any mistakes.

Responsive design

Generating a responsive design is the process of designing dynamic web apps that you can view on a variety of devices, from laptops /desktop computers to smartphones. This is important for developing web apps, as the frequency of people using their mobile devices to browse the internet is increasing daily.

Back-end web programming

We develop the application logic of a web application as back-end web programming. Normally, we use programming languages such as PHP, Python, and Java to do back-end development which is executed on the web server end. The back end is responsible for functions like storing data, processing user input, and generating dynamic content.


SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is the process of optimizing a web application so that it ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO is regarded as really important as it can assist in increasing the visibility of your application. Additionally, it helps in driving traffic to it.


UI-UX stands for user interface and user experience respectively. User Interface refers to the way that a web application looks and feels, whereas UX refers to the way that a web application is used. Moreover, UI-UX is important to create web apps, as it can make a huge difference in the user’s overall experience.

Program Framework

It is a set of pre-written code that you can use to accelerate the development process. There exist many different program frameworks, each with its strengths and weaknesses.

Testing and debugging

These skills are regarded as essential for any web app developer. Moreover, this ensures that your application is working correctly, while debugging helps you figure out and fix errors.

Program solving

Program solving is generally the ability to identify and solve problems. This is an essential skill for any web app developer, as you will always come across complex problems that need to be solved.

Attention to detail

Attention to detail is extremely important for any web app developer since even a small mistake can have a big impact on the user’s experience.

Content Management System (CMS)

CMS is a  software application that allows users to create and manage content on a web app. In addition, many different CMSs are available currently, such as WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla.


Creativity is a very valuable skill for any web app developer that allows you to come up with new and innovative ideas.

Ways to Boost Web Application Development


As web app developers, there are certain strategies you can employ to boost the development process and enhance productivity and efficiency. Let’s explore these techniques in more detail.

Build Faster in a Highly Composable System

Utilize pre-built components, libraries, and frameworks to save time and effort. This approach allows for integrating and customizing existing elements, ensuring consistency and maintainability.

Reuse Components

Instead of starting from scratch, developers can reuse previously built and tested components, such as UI elements or functional modules. Moreover, this saves time, reduces redundancy, and promotes consistency across projects.

Split Team Codebases to Ship Faster

Division of the project into smaller modules or microservices to enable simultaneous work by team members reduces dependencies, facilitates integration and deployment, and in addition speeds up the development process.

Release Faster, Independently

By adopting agile development methodologies in software development, smaller increments of applications can be released as they are completed and tested. Moreover,  faster feedback, validation, and adaptability to changing requirements can be achieved.

Debug Faster with Decoupled Components

Decoupling components in the web application architecture helps to isolate and identify issues more effectively while saving time. Additionally, it improves overall development efficiency.

Quickly Onboard New Developers to Scale Faster

By establishing clear documentation, coding standards, and providing proper training resources you can onboard new developers efficiently and effectively. Moreover, an effective onboarding process enables rapid scaling without compromising quality.

How Does Sencha Ext JS Help Developers to Rapidly Build Web Applications?

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Ext JS provides everything you need to build eye-catching web applications that will make you a developer on the next level. It possesses an extensive collection of  140+ UI components that you may come searching for. These include components such as HTML5 calendars, grids, pivot grids,  D3 adapters, trees, lists, forms, menus, toolbars, panels, windows, and even more. Ext JS, is an exceptional tool that helps developers swiftly create robust web apps, progressive web applications, and portal web apps as well. In addition to that, there can be scenarios where both Ext JS and native apps are used together to create a unified user experience across different platforms.

Makes the Development Process Easier

Ext JS simplifies web app development with a lot of pre-built UI components. Developers can save time by reusing existing functionality instead of starting from scratch. Moreover, the framework offers tools for data binding, manipulation, layout management, and advanced charting.

Eases Debugging and Application Maintenance

As an exceptional tool, Ext JS simplifies web app debugging with a powerful debugging system for inspecting, profiling, and troubleshooting code. It promotes modular development and best practices for code organization, making maintenance easier by isolating and updating specific components without impacting the whole app. Developers can confidently make changes and enhancements in a complex web application without introducing bugs or regressions.

Reduces Code Length

Ext JS reduces code length through a declarative programming paradigm, allowing concise application definition. Developers achieve complex tasks with minimal code, enhancing efficiency and readability. Furthermore, the framework provides built-in data binding, eliminating manual data manipulation. Developers establish direct connections between data models and UI components. Additionally, it helps in automating updates and minimizing the code needed for data management.

Improves Database Proficiency

Moreover, this tool enhances database proficiency by integrating with different back-end technologies and databases. It offers robust data connectivity options, simplifying data consumption from various sources. Advanced data handling mechanisms like data stores, models, and proxies, make data manipulation and synchronization tasks easy. Developers can efficiently retrieve, modify, and persist data, ensuring optimal performance and database efficiency.


It is essential to make use of efficient tools and techniques to keep up with the rapid advancements in web application development. Furthermore, Ext JS provides an all-in-one solution for developers, enabling facilities such as rapid development, easy debugging, and maintenance aiding them to enhance productivity and create engaging web applications. Additionally, by making use of its capabilities, you can find new possibilities and deliver exceptional web applications.

If you are interested in working with Ext JS. Learn more about how ExtJS Accelerates your web development Process.


How to develop a Web Application?

You can develop a web application like Google Docs by either utilizing a web app development framework, such as Ext JS, or by building your application from scratch.

What is a Web Application Framework?

A web application framework is a set of pre-written code that can help you to develop your application more quickly and easily.

How Ext JS Helps to Boost the Development Process?

It can help to boost the web development process by aiding in the creation of beautiful and responsive web apps. Moreover, its powerful event system makes it easy to respond to user input and data changes. Apart from that, the framework’s well-documented API makes it easy to learn how to use the framework.

What is the difference between a mobile app and a web app?

The major difference between mobile apps and web apps is that mobile apps are installed on a user’s device, while web apps are accessed through a web browser which means that mobile apps can be used offline, while web apps cannot.