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The Rise of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) with JS Frameworks: A 2024 Overview

February 21, 2024 1723 Views

Rise Of PWAs With JS Frameworks

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are a mixture of websites and applications. For your information, Google suggested PWAs in 2015. It was the first time when PWAs were introduced into the tech world. PWAs give users a smooth app-like experience on any device. JS frameworks for PWAs have become essential in today’s digital age. They offer fast loading, work offline, and send push notifications. This makes them great for keeping users engaged. Ext JS JavaScript framework can also help us build PWAs.

We use different JavaScript frameworks for building PWAs. They provide tools to make PWAs fast and reliable. For example, they use a virtual DOM to speed up updates. In this blog, we’ll look at how PWAs have grown and how a JavaScript framework helps build them. We’ll see why PWAs matter and how these frameworks make them work better. Let’s go.

A developer is using the best JavaScript framework with the JavaScript library to create interactive user interfaces with JavaScript code

What are Progressive Web Apps?

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) use modern web technologies. These fantastic technologies help them give users an experience similar to native mobile apps. Let’s discover the key features, advantages, and real-life examples of progressive web applications.

Key features of PWAs

  • They work on any browser and get better with newer browser features.
  • PWAs fit any device, be it desktop, mobile, or tablet.
  • They work offline or on slow networks by caching resources.
  • PWAs feel and behave like native apps with smooth interactions and navigation.
  • They stay current through service workers updating in the background.

Advantages of PWA over traditional web and native apps

✔️The progressive web apps can work on any device with a browser. As a result, they eliminate the need for separate apps for different platforms.

✔️The best part? These apps work offline or with poor connectivity. As a result, they are providing a seamless user experience.

✔️The progressive web apps are faster and more responsive than traditional ones. Therefore leading to higher user engagement.

✔️Users can access them directly from the web without downloading from an app store.

Some successful PWAs include:

👉Twitter Lite




Developers are discussing about the modern JavaScript frameworks on server side for creating web apps using the most popular JavaScript frameworks with component based architecture

How Did JavaScript Frameworks Evolve?

JavaScript frameworks help developers create better Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). One popular framework is Ext JS. This JS framework is excellent for building complex web apps with many features.

JS Frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js are also used for PWAs. React is known for its flexible components. Angular is a complete framework with many features that are suitable for big PWAs. Vue.js is simpler and easier to use, which is ideal for smaller PWAs.

What are the Key Features of PWAs in 2024?

In 2024, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have essential features to make them better:

PWAs look good and work well on any device or browser. It means that they help us achieve a responsive web components design.

They can work without an internet connection. This feature is useful when the connection is weak or unavailable.

They can send messages to users. As a result, PWAs help users remain updated and engaged.

An illustrated scene featuring two developers engaging with a large computer screen that displays HTML code and multimedia content, with a prominent Ext JS logo, symbolizing the use of js frameworks for web development.

What are Some Successful PWAs Developed with JavaScript Frameworks?

Case studies of successful Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) show us how they’re made with JavaScript frameworks and what makes them work well.


For example, Twitter Lite used React to make a version of Twitter that’s fast and uses less data. It can work even when you’re not connected to the internet. It sends you notifications to keep you updated.

Starbucks also made a PWA with Vue.js. It lets you look at their menu and customize your drinks, even offline. You can also place an order for pickup easily. People like using it because it’s easy to use and works well without an internet connection.

These examples show that good PWAs should be easy to use, work offline, and give you a great experience. Using frameworks like React and Vue.js can help make PWAs that are fast and smooth.

Two programmers or building user interfaces for a web application to execute JavaScript code and automatic code splitting

What are the Challenges and Solutions in the PWA Development Process?

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can be tricky to develop. However, using JavaScript frameworks can help solve some common problems.

One problem is ensuring your PWA works well on different devices and browsers. JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js make your PWA look good and work right on any device.

Another issue is making your PWA run smoothly, especially on phones and tablets. JavaScript frameworks offer ways to improve performance. For example, loading parts of your app only when they’re needed.

Keeping your PWA working when there’s no internet is also challenging. JavaScript frameworks let you use service workers. This stores parts of your app so it can still work offline.

To tackle these challenges,

👉Stay updated with your framework’s latest features

👉Optimize your app’s performance

👉Test it on different devices and network speeds.

What are the Future Trends in PWA Development?

The future of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) looks bright. In the coming years, more businesses will likely use PWAs to engage users better. This means we’ll see more PWAs in different industries.

New technologies like WebAssembly and GraphQL will also play a significant role in PWA development. WebAssembly lets developers run high-performance code in web browsers. Therefore making PWAs faster and more powerful. GraphQL makes it easier to manage data in PWAs, improving how they work.

Popular JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js will keep improving to support PWAs better. This means we can expect updates and new features that make PWAs faster, easier to use, and work better with other web technologies.

Also Read: Web Components: Best Web Components Framework

What is a Developer’s Perspective on Working with PWAs and JavaScript frameworks?

From developers’ point of view, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and JavaScript frameworks have changed how websites are made. PWAs give users a smooth experience. As a result, blending web and mobile app features. Developers like PWAs for their ability to:

  • Work offline
  • Load fast
  • Send push notifications
  • Engage users

JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js are popular for PWA development. They help simplify complex tasks like managing data and navigating pages. Hence, it lets developers focus on making great user experiences.

Experts say PWAs are becoming more common and will likely be the standard for web apps. They think PWAs are essential for keeping users interested and helping businesses grow.

Community forums and discussions are essential for PWA developers. They let developers share ideas, get help, and learn about new trends and ways to build better apps.

How Do You Get Started with PWA Development?

Getting started with making Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can be simple. Here’s an essential guide to help you begin:

✔️Understand what PWAs are and how they are different from regular websites.

✔️Pick a tool like React, Angular, or Vue.js. These tools make building PWAs easier.

✔️Install Node.js and a program like Visual Studio Code to write your code.

✔️If you haven’t already, get familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

✔️Make a simple PWA using your chosen framework. Focus on making it work well on different devices and load quickly.

✔️Use tools like Lighthouse to check if your PWA is fast and easy.

✔️Use services like Netlify or Firebase Hosting to make your PWA available online.

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Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have become popular because they blend the best parts of websites and mobile apps. They are fast, work offline, and engage users with features like push notifications. JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js are commonly used to build PWAs. They make development more accessible and more efficient.

Looking forward, PWAs are expected to become even more popular as businesses seek better ways to engage users. New technologies like WebAssembly and GraphQL will also improve PWAs. For developers, PWAs and JavaScript frameworks have made web development more exciting. They offer new ways to create apps that users love. As PWAs continue to grow, keeping up with the latest trends and tools will be necessary for developers.

PWAs features in the modern age


What Is a Progressive Web App (PWA) in 2024, and Why Is It Significant?

A Progressive Web App (PWA) has app-like features, significant for its speed and offline capabilities.

How Can Beginners Get Started With PWA Development Using JavaScript Frameworks?

Beginners can start PWA development with JavaScript frameworks by learning the basics and building simple apps.

What Distinguishes PWAs From Traditional Web and Native Mobile Apps in 2024?

PWAs blend web and app features for fast, engaging experiences across devices.

Can We Use JS Frameworks for Progressive Web Applications?

Yes. JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js are commonly used for PWAs.

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